I am dead tired and so, so proud of a good day's work.
The take:

From the top-right corner:
Spaghetti Sauce (4 Servings or so)
30 Servings of Mashed Potatoes
2 Dinners of Stuffed Peppers
3(!) Dinners of Lasagna
2 Large Pizza Crusts
1 Chicken Pot Pie
3 Dinners of Taco Meat
1 Meat Loaf
1 Dinner of Sloppy Joes
Not Shown:
2 Dinners of Chicken Fajitas
4 cups Chopped Onion (oops)
4 cups Chopped Broccoli (from the abandoned casserole)
I am so grateful for this day off and the ability to store up home-cooked meals. Other than being tiring, it really, really isn't very hard. I'll be back after the weekend for a final debrief and some step-by-step instructions for your very own Meals for a Month.
inspiration!! thanks for giving me a kick in the butt for being productive on my next day off :)