Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Eat in all Week": The Results

As it turns out, it's pretty easy to eat in.

The biggest struggle I had was in finding alternatives to my regular "let's-meet-and-have-dinner" plan. It's incredible to me just how much conversation and fellowship and friendship develops over food.

There's no reason this can't be happening over dinner at home. Or a cup of tea instead of a $12 dinner. Again, though, with the laziness thing...

Something happened around Thursday or so. I had had a rough week and would have driven through fast-food somewhere, brought it home, and either took Chuck for a walk or (let's be honest, friends) watched some reruns on Netflix. Because that wasn't an option, I changed into a pair of jeans and opened the kitchen window and tied on an apron. I dug around in the fridge and pulled out a bowlful of vegetables to grill. It took time to rinse the food. Marinate the chicken. Dice the produce.

So I breathed.

Deep breaths against the noise of the kids next door playing hide-and-go-seek. Deep breaths against the puppy at my feet. Deep breaths in the space I love most in the whole wide world but regularly neglect.

Dinner was finished and it was good. Good meaning not just tasty (and it was that! I'll post the recipe...) but good wholesome and slow and comforting and refreshing. It of course wasn't just the food that felt these things; it was my spirit. Like I had somehow slowed down, caught up with my thoughts, and had the chance to be the person I want to be.

It turns out that eating every meal from home wasn't really the point. (Which is good, because what I didn't mention is that the week wasn't perfect...) Slowing down was the point. Being the person I want to be instead of the person I am because I rush.


1 comment:

  1. So I stumbled on this blog this morning and thought about you and your goal of packing your lunch every day. I know it's more kid focused than on us adults, however I'm looking for an adult option too.

    I'm sorry I missed dinner on Sunday. Mom wants to get the house ready to sell. Hopefully I can come back another Sunday if I didn't scare everyone? :)

    Miss you!
