Helloooo, out there!
I'm back. With a question.
Love or hate these curtains? They're meant to go over my dining room windows. My living room is (ridiculously?) painted that darker shade of green. My favorite painting is (ridiculously?) matted in that teal and hangs on the dining room wall. You have approximately 9 hours to vote before I win these suckers in my first-ever ebay bid.I know you're supposed to decorate with what you love and to heck with the rest but I apparently love ridiculous things. Do giant leaf curtains cross a line somewhere? They're not cheap (another first for me!) so speak quick!
Hello Part-time Homemaker! Love. They would look lovely with the colors in your dining room. Added bonus, with all the shades of green and some brown and red, you could most likely reuse them in a redecorated space years down the road. One thing to maybe ask e-bay seller is "Does this item come from a smoke-free environment?" If you don't win these curtains, it's simply a great excuse to hit the thrift stores! With me! :)